You may obtain cash loan regardless whether you receive your earnings through the current account of Universal Capital Bank or not. It is up to you to define the monthly amount that you can afford, depending on your opportunities, and we shall find the best solution for you.

You need your ID card to apply for a loan, and depending on the employment status you will need the following documents:

  • certified administrative restrictions,
  • the agreement to acquire Credit Bureau report for all participants in the loan,
  • other documentation upon request of the Bank.
OptionCash/Refinancing loans – A LIST
Interest rate6.50% – 8.50 %
Maturityup to 84 months
Maximum amount50.000
Early liquidation fee0%
Administrative fee0%
Mode of repaymentmonthly


For loans up to 10.000 EUR – no guarantors required (if the applicant is over 55 years of age at the moment of the last instalment a life insurance policy is mandatory
For loans from 10.001 EUR to 20.000 EUR – two guarantors are required (life insurance policy optional)
For loans from 20.001 EUR to 50.000 EUR – mortgage (life insurance policy optional)
Administrative restriction from both applicant and guarantor/s
Signed bill of exchange from both applicant and guarantor/s


At least 6 months on the current job position
Monthly instalment must not exceed 50% of guarantors monthly income
Maximum of 65 years at the moment of last installment


The minimum amount of approval is 500,00 EUR and the maximum amount of 50.000,00 EUR;

Special condition:

The value of an annuity: a maximum of 50% of earnings that is less than or equal to 3 minimum wages in Montenegro or a maximum of 50% of earnings in excess of the value of three minimum wage in Montenegro minus current liabilities. Deviations from these rules are only possible if you provide additional guarantors and / or co-debtors.

The Bank reserves the right to approve the loan to regular customer without guarantors, and also to the customers without previous commercial history to require one or two guarantors / co-borrower, insurance or other form of additional security

Total loan amount20.000 €
Number of monthly installments84
Monthly installment 295.12 €
Administrative fee
      1. Loan processing fee 0%0.00 €
      2. Cost of RKB report3 €
      3. Cost of two bills of exchange4 €
Nominal interest rate6.50%
Effective interest rate6.51%
Total interest4,886.93 €
Total costs4,893.93 €
Total repayment24,893.93 €

*The loan calculator is informative. The costs involved in the processing of the loan are shown in a representative example.

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