Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica offers retail loans to permanently employed citizens, domestic and foreign retirees as well as fixed-term employees who may or may not receive their earnings through a UCB account.

Loans are approved in the amounts and for the period determined by a special Bank Decision on Loan Conditions. The interest rate is determined by the Bank’s Loan Products Decision.

The Bank’s Loan Committee has the right, on the basis of a client’s creditworthiness, previous experience with the client (if any), as well as on the basis of market conditions, to approve the client with different conditions than those defined in its retail offer.

General loan application conditions:
• Permanent employment, at least 6 months at the current employer;
• Receiving earnings through a UCB account, at least for 3 months;
• All loan participants (loan beneficiary, guarantors/co-borrowers) must sign a personal bill as a means of securing the loan;
• Cash and retirement loans can be repaid up to loan beneficiary’s 75 years of age;
• For retirement loans, in addition to personal bill as a means of securing, it is required to obtain an insurance policy or one/two guarantors depending on the loan amount;

Required documentation to apply:
• Loan Application Form;
• Earnings Certificate;
• Attachment of Salary or Garnishment;
• Compliance with the Loan Bureau Registry (RKB);

The decision on approval/rejection of the loan application is made by the Bank’s Loan Committee, which convenes once a week.

In order to meet all your wishes and meet all your needs, Universal Capital Bank offers a variety of loans. Should you decide to buy or renovate a housing area, to buy furniture or a car, to refinance existing obligations, or you simply need some cash – you are in the right place.

Choose a loan:

1. Cash/Refinancing Loans A List
2. Cash/Refinancing Loans B List
3. Loans for Developing Tourism
4. Microloans
5. Cash Loans for Pensioners / Refinancing Loans with Insurance
6. Cash Loans for Pensioners with free life insurance policy
7. Loans for foreign Pensioners
8. Student Loans for University of Montenegro / Studying Abroad
9. UCB cash loans with cash collateral
10. UCB mortgage cash loans
11. Private sector loans
12. Loans for electric and hybrid vehicles – EKOMOBIL LOANS
13. Loans for energy efficiency – EKO DOM LOANS
14. UCB housing loans

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