Notice to our clients

NOTICE The Bank continuously monitors and updates client/user data for payment services. The Bank’s Board of Directors has adopted Decision No. 592/25 on January 21, 2025, which foresees [...]

M-Token verification for card payments

In accordance with implementation of new law regulative about strong customer authentication, payments on internet with Universal Capital Bank payment cards will be possible only through m-Token [...]


Travelling has never been easier! Company MASTERCARD with service Global Data Roaming through FlexiRoam application migrates from Boingo Global WiFi service, offering to cardholders of Universal [...]

Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica 27.11.2023.

Pursuant to Art. 136 and 149 of the Company Law (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 065/20 dated 3 July 2020) and the Resolution of the Supervisory Board to Convene an Extraordinary General [...]

Extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica 18.01.2023.

Pursuant to Article 136 and 149 the Law on Companies (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 065/20, 147/21) and the Decision of the Supervisory Board to Convene an Extraordinary Meeting of [...]

General Terms and Conditions

Dear clients,   We inform you that the General Terms and Conditions are effective from September 30, 2022 and refer to existing and new contractual relationships between the client and the [...]

Extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica, 12.09.2022.

Pursuant to Article 136 the Law on Companies (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 065/20 dated 3 July 2020) and the Decision of the Supervisory Board to Convene an Extraordinary Meeting of [...]


Dear clients We are happy to announce that the new Mastercard campaign will start on 1 May and will last until 31 May 2022. During this period, all Mastercard card users who make a minimum of 3 [...]

Regular Assembly of shareholders Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica 31.05.2021.

Na osnovu člana 136.  Zakona o privrednim društvima (“Službeni list Crne Gore”, br. 065/20 od 03.07.2020) i Odluke Odbora direktora o sazivanju vanredne sjednice skupštine akcionara [...]

Extraordinary shareholders meeting of Universal Capital Bank AD Podgorica 23.11.2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 136, of the Company Law (“Official Gazette of RM, no. 065/20 od 03.07.2020.), and Decision of Board of Directors to convene regular shareholders [...]

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