The guarantee is used as a payment instrument in domestic and international business and ensures the payment and /or execution of a contractual obligation within the foreseeable period of time.


Type of GuaranteeSpecial conditions – Documentation required with request form
Bid Bond (Tender Guarantee)Call for tender / public procurement bid for the selection of the most favourable bid for the procurement and delivery of goods  / execution of works etc.
Performance GuaranteeContracting agreement, Purchase contract, Business cooperation agreement etc.
Advance Payment GuaranteeContracting agreement, Purchase contract, Business cooperation agreement etc.
Warranty BondAgreement on construction works, Purchase contract, Business cooperation agreement etc.
Payment GuaranteeContracting agreement, Purchase contract, Business cooperation agreement, Pro-forma invoice, Invoice etc.
Customs Guarantee (for the general security of the customs warehouse or the general security in the transit procedure)Document of the Customs Administration of Montenegro about the amount of joint/individual security for the warehouse, or about the amount of security for several transit procedures etc.

For more information, schedule a meeting by making a call to: +382 020 481 481,or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]

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